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تعرف على SportsPsychMDs

بدأ SPMDs كمحادثة بين اثنين من عشاق الرياضة المتحمسين الذين حدث ذلك للتو  ليكونوا أطباء نفسانيين. من خلال الفكرة المشتركة التي مفادها أن المشاركة في الرياضة يمكن أن تضع الأساس للنجاح في أي مجال من مجالات الحياة ، فإننا نسعى إلى تقليل  وصمة المرض العقلي في الرياضة. من خلال القيام بذلك ، نأمل  ل e mpower  الرياضيين في العالم لاستخدام اللياقة العقلية لتحقيق أعلى أداء لهم داخل وخارج الملعب.

أعضاء الفريق

Amanda Carney

Amanda Carney

Clinical Administrative Director

As a marathon runner, former fitness instructor and avid Peloton rider Amanda brings a positive attitude and charismatic personality to the team. Amanda completed undergrad at Salisbury University where she majored in Community Health with a minor in Exercise Science. Amanda joins the team with professional experience as a Health Coach and Case Manager. As a Health Coach Amanda is passionate about promoting self-care management and helping individuals create and implement effective solutions to improve their health and wellness.

Torey Troggio, MD

Torey Troggio, MD

Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist and Co-founder of SportsPsychMDs

Former standout bench warmer for his high school baseball and football teams, Torey brings the steady "glue guy" approach to the SportsPsychMDs' team. He completed his undergraduate and medical school training at Indiana University (Go Hoosiers!). Moving from the cornfields of Indiana to the expansive terrain of southern California, Torey found connection in not only the abundance of activities the region has to offer (snowboarding, cycling, bodysurfing, hiking), but more importantly, connection to the people.

Kristin Mauldin, Ph.D.

Kristin Mauldin, Ph.D.

Curriculum Director

Dr. Mauldin graduated with her Ph.D. in psychology from Miami University and conducted research as a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, San Diego. She specializes in the cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory and sport, performance, and exercise psychology. She enjoys her role as a professor of psychology because it gives her the opportunity to study topics she loves while connecting with her students.

Armin Hoes, MD

Armin Hoes, MD

Psychiatrist and Co-founder of SportsPsychMDs

Former sprinter and football player in high school, Dr. Hoes went on to attend the United States Air Force Academy where he earned Deans List honors and upon graduation earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology and commission as US Air Force Intelligence Officer. Dr. Hoes served five years and is a decorated Iraq War Combat Veteran. After completing his service commitment, he entered medical school at Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, D.C. Dr. Hoes went on to complete an internship in internal medicine at Howard University Hospital followed by a year of residency training in Neurology at Duke University before transferring to UCLA where he completed his residency training in General Adult Psychiatry.

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“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.”

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رقم المعرف الضريبي: 852657053

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